All About I'll Meet You There
That's kind of the reason I dislike shoddy stories filled with careless mistakes. It's because people don't take the time to re-read their stuff! People complain about the lack of SpellCheck on their computers. Well, I can relate. I was exactly where they were, and I got along fine. But that's a rant for another time. =]
Well, anyway, about the story. More specifically, about the final two chapters, which existed only in my imagination. Where did they come from? Believe it or not, the last bit of the second-to-last chapter was written exactly after the first chapter. From the minute I heard the song, I knew that it would be Jess saying those words. It just fits, you know? It seemed so right. At least, it did to me, which is the reason I wrote the story in the first place. I guess you could say that this story was inspired by one of my favorite stories ever, A Ton of Bricks by trumpetchick9. It is one of my very favorite stories ever. Beautifully written, and also admirable for the take on Rory; it kind of shows why she did what she even though she still cared about Jess. That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to rationalize their actions under the assumption that they still had feelings for each other.
I wanted the writing to provoke emotion. I can't watch a pivotal Rory/Jess moment without a pillow to hug, and I wanted that to show in my story. Even as I write this, I can't help thinking that it was so funny of me to be so serious for my first story. It was, looking back, not a horrible first attempt, but nowhere near where I thought it was. Most of it was really in my head. The final result wasn't exactly as emotionally-charged as I'd intended, but hey, I was a novice.
So I wrote. The first chapter of I'll Meet You There is by far the weakest thing I've ever written, but I don't want to change anything. That's the first-story nostalgia again. And plus, it's always good to have something around to remind you of when you started writing. Keeps you from being too critical of other people. Anyway, I wrote with care. I surprise myself, thinking how I hard worked on this story. I didn't know about episode transcript sites, so I downloaded video clips (from my favorite Gilmore site, and transcribed the dialog myself. I know, it's so archaic. =] I researched very thoroughly. The book that Jess reads in Andrew's book is the actual title. I couldn't make it out very well, but I did guess-and-check and Google helpfully supplied the "Did you mean. . ." function. It's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right. I added story supplements here and there, like Jess and Rory in their cars after they see each other. The stylistic second-person insertions were probably an indirect influence from the A Ton of Bricks.
Back to the last two chapters. The whole Rory-finding-underwear-in-Logan's-couch thing actually came to me after I woke up from a nap on my own couch. Random, I know. Originally I wanted her to find condoms too, but I figured, too cliché. Plus I don't ever want to write a story that includes the word condom. It's so tacky and typical of fan fiction.
The last chapter, short though it may be, was my indulgence. I really enjoyed writing it. You've kind of got to read between the lines - a true Gilmore lover can spot the many references to past seasons. I liked the idea that Jess and Rory have a collection of things that tie them to the characters we love so much. The Betty Boop is of course from Lorelai. The painting and its frame carved with cherubs is from Luke's grandmother's bedroom set. The special shelves were made by TJ. And Kirk, of course, made that sculpture. Jess and Rory have books upon books, just like we Literati fans love. And while the picture indicates they've been together for a long time, I wanted to leave their true relationship status ambiguous. Whether they're married, engaged, or living together is less important that the fact that they are together. It's up to the reader's imagination, as is what they're late for. That was a bit of Java Junkie reference to how Lorelai makes Luke wait when she's getting ready. I love that you can have your own interpretation: It can be three years down the road and Rory and Jess are going to their own engagement party; seven years later and they're going to dinner at the Gilmores'; or 30 years in the future and they're going to their own kid's graduation.
I'm really happy I can finally say au revoir to I'll Meet You There. It's catharsis, you know, and I recommend authors to add a final chapter to stories they've abandoned. You definitely won't regret it. Also, thank you to all the reviewers. I really appreciate it. I'd never gotten a single review before this story, and to have all of them be positive was really great. Thank you so much. And lastly, even though my own Rory/Jess stories have been put to bed, I'll never stop loving the pair, and if you've heard word of any good stories, please pass it on to me. Thanks =]
Now you're gone
I wonder why
You left me here
I think about it on and on and on and on again
I know you're never coming back
I hope that you can hear me
I'm waiting to hear from you
Until I do,
You're gone away
I'm left alone
A part of me
Is gone and I'm not moving on
So wait for me
I know the day will come
I'll meet you there
No matter where life takes me to
I'll meet you there
And even if I need you here
I'll meet you there
I wish I could of told you
The things I kept inside
But now I guess it's just to late
So many things remind me of you
I hope that you can hear me
I miss you
This is good-bye one last time
You're gone away
I'm left alone
A part of me
Is gone and I'm not moving on
So wait for me
I know the day will come
I'll meet you there
No matter where life takes me to
I'll meet you there
And even if I need you here
I'll meet you there
Meet you there
And where I go you'll be there with me
Forever you'll be right here with me
I'll meet you there
No matter where life takes me to
I'll meet you there
And even if I need you here
I'll meet you there