LBG Fight: A Visual Aid
Edmund is represented in green, which is his signature color in my universe. Lucy is magenta, Robert is blue, and the rowdy gang are in black. The crowd is orange. It should be noted that in LBG canon Chapter 2, party-goers file out in response to the "immature" spectacle Lucy makes of herself. In the Director's Cut, the opposite happens - more people come in to join the crowd around the fight action.
Square 1 - Edmund heads into the ring of fellas around Lucy.
Square 2 - The guys have words and Lucy gets out of the way.
Square 3 - Edmund punches out the smarmy leader.
Square 4 - Edmund starts knocking out guys; Robert goes down.
Square 5 - All the guys are down and the last one runs away.
Square 6 - Everyone stares as Edmund, Robert, and Lucy leave.